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Some Questions and Some Answers

Does it fade?
No, this is "God-made stone." It is natural and will not fade.

No, as long as it has a natural finish. Some granite sold by other companies are so light that they may show staining. We don't use any granite that stains.

What about scratches?
Take a look at this video and see your yourself. (Requires Quick Time Player. Get a free download at

Will heat hurt it?
No! You can take a pan from the stove and set it on the countertop without any damage to the stone.*

* No man-made product can handle this.

What about overhangs?
We recommend that for any overhangs of six inches or more that corbels (brackets) be used. We can create—with corbels—overhangs of 12 to 14 inches (such as for islands).

How long to install?
From the time you decide on the color, we estimate six weeks as the usual time frame. You can figure in installation two weeks after we have a template.

Have a question we didn't answer? Contact us!

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Granite Countertops by Bell stone link Granite Countertops by Bell stone link
Granite Countertops by Bell stone link Granite Countertops by Bell stone link
Granite Countertops by Bell stone link Granite Countertops by Bell stone link
Granite Countertops by Bell stone link Granite Countertops by Bell stone link
Granite Countertops by Bell stone link Granite Countertops by Bell stone link
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